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Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Formerly ADD)


You might be wondering whether your child's behavior is typical. While it's normal for a child to get distracted or act without thinking, an ADHD diagnosis is made when a group of inattentive or hyperactive symptoms are present in two more settings (e.g., home, school, with friends or relatives). ADHD is a neuro-developmental condition, meaning that symptoms usually develop by middle school but sometimes go unnoticed until high school or later. ADHD can make learning or keeping friends harder for youth, and it may look different from one child to the next.  Thankfully, there are many things that can be done to help.


If you're a young adult who's wondering about ADHD, you probably find that it takes more effort to stay focused and get things done. Perhaps you see yourself hyper-focusing on certain tasks, but dreading doing others. ADHD is not a lack of attention, but difficulty controlling your attention. An evaluation will help to assess whether your symptoms are caused by ADHD while offering guidance for making  your life easier. 

​Dr. Silva Hassert offers ADHD testing for children and young adults in Marin County, CA. She serves San Rafael, Sausalito, Novato, Mill Valley, and the surrounding areas.

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